We need new choices

Diesel generators are dirty, dangerous fossil-fuel guzzlers. Traditional solar generators are bulky and underpowered. We need to completely re-think the way we design our power systems.

Organizations the world over need power, no matter where they are.

Most of the world currently relies on antiquated municipality-wide electric grids subject to frequent outages.  Those who have sought mobile independent energy sources are limited to fossil fuel-based generators, or more recently, first generation solar power generators.

Unfortunately, as anyone who has dealt with diesel or gas generators knows, these money pits are:

FUEL HUNGRY AND EXPENSIVE – they require vast amounts of fuel on an ongoing basis; diesel now costs an average of $15/gallon (fully loaded with transportation costs)!  Rental companies in particular LOVE to “overspec,” driving excessive fuel consumption and thereby their top lines.

NOT MOBILE – not only are they extremely heavy, they lack wheels and can only be placed where delivery trucks can transport fuel. 

MAINTENANCE HEADACHE – they require a steady diet of careful maintenance by highly skilled labor and associated consumables and replacement parts.

SHORT LIVED – the average lifespan of a fossil fuel generator is just 5,000 hours, requiring repeat capital expenditures over just a few years.

HAZARDOUS – the emissions, noise and vibration they emit are harmful to humans, animals and flora. They can be as loud as a passenger jet flying overhead at 1000ft!

DEADLY – they killed more than a dozen people via carbon monoxide poisoning and have exploded due to  their flammable contents on numerous occasions.

Traditional solar generators have their share of issues, too.  They are:

LIMITED IN ENERGY GENERATION – current configurations are limited to about six large panels, or about 3.2kW

LIMITED IN ENERGY STORAGE current systems are limited to 50-60 kWh.

BULKY –  they are hard to transport, store and deploy with lots of dead space

FRAGILE – especially the photovoltaic panels

The status quo is F’d!


The grid is a never ending cycle of restoring power lines.  Why aren’t we designing resilient power systems?


Wildfire fighters camp for weeks next to noisy, harmful and expensive diesel generators.  Why aren’t we supporting our nation’s heroes with safe power?


Pallets upon pallets of plastic water bottles are transported, consumed and then thrown away after each wildfire and natural disaster.  Why aren’t we purifying water on site?


Consumer-grade solutions are booming but stand no chance in the rigorous commercial or government segments.  Why aren’t we designing mobile power and resource systems for tough, remote environments?


Large scale grid arrays are powerful but can't be modified. Why aren't we allowing users to right size their power?


Just ONE wildfire base camp can runs up to 20 diesel generators which, fully burdened, consume up to $1.8M in fuel!  Why aren’t we leveraging the sun’s free energy?


Traditional solar systems gobble space and are unnecessarily complex.  Why aren’t we developing systems that are easy to deploy and use?

All of these shortcomings leave a huge opportunity gap ripe for development.  A solution that’s scalable, flexible, upgradable and serviceable.  A smart solution that’s versatile, powerful and multi-functional.  A solution that can serve as a trusted partner alongside those on high-stakes missions to protect and heal our communities.  A solution that can capture the imaginations, devotion, and pocketbooks of the most demanding of commercial and public customers.  We believe that solution lies in modular electrics.